“ For some wellness is a
choice, for others there is no other
option. "

David Delrahim, Cocün Founder & CEO

Meet David Delrahim


A beloved southern-California entrepreneur and philanthropist, David’s inspiration from Cocün began during an exhausting and frustrating journey to address a close family member’s health issue. Leading to his own awakening about healing and our own energy and power, David was inspired to create Cocün to provide a more conscious and inclusive approach to wellness. An approach based in heart (nature: earth, plants, water, frequency, EMF, energy) not the mind (ego: analysis, gravity, friction).


Leading with love and authenticity, David’s journey to create Cocün has been frictionless. His passion for the truth, humble disposition and genuine caring for others has attracted top talent to join him in the creation of a wellness ecosystem that empowers people and nature. Seeing this was really humanity’s journey, not just his, David established an Institute to study wellness modalities and develop evidence-based best practices that help make holistic wellness more accessible and easily delivered, welcoming health, wellness and spiritual professionals from previously fragmented areas to work together.


Going far beyond the status quo, David envisions the future Cocün community in the Coachella Valley to be a place with intentional design, where feeling good is in the fabric. Welcoming and inclusive, the environment at Cocün will inspire self-value and self-care, meeting people where they are with what they need. Long-term impact from individual to family to communities to world will naturally unfold, with ease.