“Cocun Wellness is a consciousness.”

David Delrahim

What began as a question on ‘why’ became my life purpose, and one which now has become my personal life mission – to guide and support others to wellbeing and to thrive.

It has been more than 15 years since I started asking myself some important questions about the nature and origins of health and disease. I found myself at an important juncture in my life, having achieved all the success that I had ever dreamed of…but something was wrong in my world – indeed, our world.

We were all getting sick.

When I experienced the early loss of a few people in my life who were very close to me – all who died from diseases that are preventable, I started asking myself some pretty deep questions of why this was happening.

What began as a question on ‘why’ became my life purpose, and one which now, has become my personal life mission – to guide and support others to wellbeing and to thrive.

Wellness, I found, is a life journey into a new mind-set, a new way to look at why we live, how we curate our lifestyles and what steps we take every day to live in a new way

In this new way to approach wellness, I am embracing personal responsibility, meeting myself, and providing a stewardship for people and planet.

My journey has been highlighted by action, and not just for myself, but for my family, friends, and employees.

Ten years ago, I began a highly successful workplace wellness program that I personally supported and resourced – all the way to the details of equipping those who elected to participate in my program with the necessary wardrobe, food choices, and facilitating flexible work hours so there would be no obstacles to progress, in achieving their mission to be well.

The results were highly successful and measured in weight loss, lowering hypertension, diabetes and several other positive lifestyle changes that have had a major positive impact on the lives of my employees, and their families.

Today, my curiosity has led me to projects I have in development that transform the idea of what Wellness means today, and how behavior change starts with understanding the limitations of our mind-sets – the way we think and experience life.

Ultimately the joy of being fully present and thriving is our response-ability. Wellness is a  choice we can all make.

I have been guided and supported on my journey. Cocun Wellness is here to guide and support yours.