By David Delrahim
Wellness is one of the greatest topics of our time – and I can say it is something that I have been pondering and actively practicing for over 15 years. I have been thinking about the idea of Wellness, what it is, and how it has kept evolving over time because my awareness has also evolved over time, and this is a big part of what the essence of COCUN Wellness is all about.
When I have asked people what Wellness is to them, most people think in terms of physical health, and what they eat, their weight and what they do as exercise. This has been a mindset for so long. Where is the consideration for the way in which we perceive things? The way we think about things? What about our emotional responses and conditioning? If we consider that after we heard of cognitive intelligence, we have come to understand that we also have an emotional intelligence that needs to be regulated, and tended, in order to feel at peace and live with ease. Finally, what of our belief systems or our sense of purpose or something greater than ourselves? What of our spiritual selves?
In recent years, I have seen the evolution of what Wellness is in the Health and Wellness industry and greater society. Yes, this means a way of living or a lifestyle – and how must I tend or care for myself first if I am to care for or take care of others. I have read of the many different dimensions such as workplace, social, financial etc. All these areas are important to note but are they really different parts of Wellness or are they all one seamless part of a whole? And if I separate these parts, am I not reducing it to a checklist of things instead of thinking about them as all part of who I am that, when I am in a state of wellbeing, they all function well because in fact they are not separate, and most importantly, they are not separate from me.
If I am in a state of Wellness, when I show up at work, my work is that way too, and my relationships in society as well. In the end I concluded that my state of Wellness is a mindset or an awareness of the unity of things and not a management of things that I must keep track of as separate.
Far from just an experience, a treatment, a new way modality, I learned that Wellness is a consciousness, an awareness, and a certainty of the nature of myself, others and my relationship to our environment and a deep sense of purpose and meaning. It is a stewardship of mind, body, and soul. A wayfinding to the truth of things, and an openness to shift from rigidity to flexibility, openness, and a willingness to learn always and keep evolving to continuously transform, and like the chrysalis that emerges from the cocoon, and transforms into a whole new being – we too cocoon and emerge to an awareness and integration of who we have been all along, beings of creativity and light – the version of what we have always been and are now only becoming aware and stepping into that new space of being.
Wellness is a search for equilibrium and balance, from chaos to harmony and from reacting to responding – a true sense of authenticity – and even an elevated consciousness free from past programing, and a full immersion into the power of now and an unfolding of our own humanness and the ever-present origin of Consciousness.
This is COCUN Wellness. It is me. It is you.